Tech, Code, Geek, Living with cancer

Chemo, feeling old and PET/CT report

Last week I had my 5th Chemo session on Tuesday (15th Oct). It went through the usual process: nauseous, tired, low-grade fever... etc. During this period, I found that I often cursed at myself
by Stephen

Self-Hosting Ghost

This blog is powered by Ghost, a much cleaner, simpler solution when compare to other like WordPress. Here is a quick guide on how to setup NGINX, MySQL and Ghost on Ubuntu
by Stephen


Yesterday I had my second PET/CT scan to determine whether Chemo is working or not. This will be my first report card after 4 rounds of Chemo.
by Stephen

Building tmux from source

tmux is one of my favourite terminal multiplexer, it enables number of terminals to be access via a single connection. Unfortunately most package manager has an older version of tmux, and some of the features I like only available in the latest version of tmux
by Stephen

A New Beginning

New Blog, New Design and A New Chapter in my life. In June 2019, I was diagnose with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. As a non-smoker, at age 44, I was devastated when I received the news. But over the past few months, I have come to accept the fact, and life must go on.
by Stephen
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